3 tools and systems I use every day to run a six-figure photography business by photographer and educator, Brittany Elise Photography.

I hear it from photographers every day, “I’m a photographer, not a business person.” Trust me, I. GET. IT. Most of us didn’t pick up a camera to run a business, we did it because we have a heart to serve families and preserve their most cherished memories. But, the truth is, none of that […]

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As my business starting growing, it became very clear, very quickly that I needed something more than pen and paper. I was starting to make mistakes, double book myself, and knew if I continued on the path I was, my client experience was going to suffer. I knew the answer was online scheduling, but I […]

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Do you hand over your digital images and cry a little inside because you know the chances are they won’t ever get printed? You question what all your hard work is for and your heart is telling you, you are not doing your client’s justice (or your work). You want to serve your clients fully […]



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