Olga from Olga Clarke Photography was my coaching student in 2021. Her time in Leveraging to Luxury was so beneficial and something she actually did with her husband and business partner by her side! They were taking a big leap at the time and moving from Miami, Florida to West Palm Beach, Florida, and having to rebuild their client list from scratch. Below Olga and I chat about the difference she has seen in her business since taking LTL!
What led you to consider leveraging to luxury?
“I always wanted to do framing and albums and was having a hard time selling them as an all inclusive photographer. I particularly liked that Brittany would be guiding me through a weekly program vs a one day workshop. I liked the idea of someone guiding me through the process vs trying to figure it out on my own.”
I know you were on the fence and really had to think through whether or not ltl was right for your business. can you share a little bit about that and your thought process, what was holding you back (both in your business and from ltl), and then ultimately made you decide to move forward?
“I tried to be a full service photographer on my own but it backfired on me the first time. I felt like I had a hard time explaining pricing and because of this bad experience I was hesitant to try it again..”
How did leveraging to luxury help you face those hurdles (or mindset- whatever it may have been for you holding you back) and move past them?
“I loved having a group of woman trying this program together. That support group gave me the confidence to try full service photography again. Also, the step by step process that Brittany teaches is what I was missing the first time I tried being a full service photographer..”
Biggest win since completing the program?
“Finally selling tangible products. Seeing my work preserved in family’s homes is really special.”
How did you feel about your pricing before LTL?
“I felt I had reached the limit of what I can charge as an all inclusive photographer. And that meant more sessions I had to shoot per month.”
How did you feel after LTL?
“Honestly- scared. Because once I made the changes, I knew it would be difficult to go back to what I knew. Having the support group really helped me not look back.”
What was it like having your business partner sit in on the coaching calls with you?
“Helpful. I become overwhelmed with change so it was nice to have him be there so he can fully support and allow me to make the changes needed. My husband and business partner does the marketing and financial management for the business. So it was very important for him to understand fully the changes that were being made. this way he can adjust contracts, change marketing strategies and just in general support me so I could be the creative in the business.”
Did LTL change the way you and your business partner approached your practices?
“LTL was a big part of how we approached every aspect of the business going forward.”
How has LTL changed your business?
“It has greatly increased my revenue while reducing the number of sessions I have to book per month. It also helped me showcase my work by actually having my clients print my photos and hang them in their homes or preserve them in an album. ( I never saw my work printed or framed prior to LTL) I especially love the feeling that I get when my clients feel like I helped them. I never got to experience that as a digital only photographer.”
How has LTL changed your life?
“Definitely less stressed about bookings since [Brittany’s membership model] helps me stay booked. Also having bigger sales means less bookings for our family and more time I get to be with them.
How long after did LTL pay for itself?
“My first ordering appointment”
As a coach how would you describe Brittany?
“Very helpful, honest, encouraging, inspiring.”
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