10 Questions to Ask When Considering a Coach, Educator or Mastermind

When I talk with my students and the photographers in my private Facebook group about their businesses, it always comes back to intentionality in the decisions you make. After years of investment into coaches and mastermind programs, I’ve learned that growing your business and trusting in a leader to help you do that needs to be intentional too. 

I know firsthand what it feels like to invest thousands of dollars into programs that weren’t the right fit for me. 

So, how do you know which mastermind is right for you? And more importantly, is it the right step for your business, at this time?

It’s easy to sign up for courses and join Facebook groups or educational forums. But, courses won’t challenge or empower you the way a good mastermind does. You could spend months going in circles without any true lasting forward momentum in your business. 

The right mastermind can change all of that. 

I encourage you to look deeper into the education you invest in. Make intentional decisions based on whether the coach you invest in is passionate about the same things you want for your business.

1. Is there social proof that the coach has achieved your goals within their own business?

First, in order to really be able to determine this you need to first be able to define your goals. List them out. Really hone in on what you want to improve in your business – whether it’s your client experience, services, or products you want to sell. Make sure your coach can show tangible results of doing the same, successfully, for their own clients. This stuff…all of these little details matter. 

2. Is the coach actively running a business that resembles the future you want for your business?

The photography industry is always changing and products are ever-evolving. I am living and breathing a full-fledged portrait studio. I believe any coach you invest in should be actively working in their own business too. In order to effectively coach you in a way that allows you to fully serve your clients, coaches should still be immersed in the industry. 

3. Does the coach’s business values align with yours?

When running a luxury business with high-end touchpoints and elevated services, there may be certain business practices to adopt and strategies to implement that you may or may not align with. It doesn’t mean that is right or wrong, you just need to determine if it’s right for you. 

Ultimately, it doesn’t matter how successful the coach is or how much he/she can teach you if you are going to walk away unable to implement the things you have learned because they go against your personal and business values. 

4. What is the format of the Mastermind?

It’s important to consider how the information will be taught and also what the expectations are. Analyze the structure of the program to find out if the education will be coming just from the coach, or if you will feel a sense of community with the other participants who can help as well.

Decide whether seeing the work of others in the group will be intimidating or motivating. Can you commit to the program timeline and execute the homework your coach asks of you? Or, do you prefer a more self-paced way of learning? If the latter is your learning style, a mastermind may not be the best fit for you. 

Making sure that the teaching format aligns with the way you learn best is key to your success in any mastermind.

5. What are the deliverables?

You wouldn’t invest in something without knowing what you are getting – a mastermind should be no different. Don’t get caught up in admiring a coach’s success without understanding what you will be getting in return. 

Be sure your potential coach is clear about the tools you can use to be successful after the mastermind. Does the homework convert to practical changes in your business? Or, will you be left with ideas and no executable plans? Ohh, and be sure to get all of this in writing! 

6. How are applicants selected for the Mastermind?

TRUST ME when I say this… you want to be part of a mastermind where the coach has carefully, hand-selected the students. It is SO important that the people in your group are actively working towards the same goal. You don’t have to be in the same stage as others, but you do need to be heading in the same direction for it to be most effective.

7. What is the return on investment?

In my experience, one-on-one time with your coach is critical and access shouldn’t just end the moment your program is over. What can you expect your business to look like after implementing what you have learned? Are you prepared to take on those changes once the mastermind is over?

8. Is there a clear, defined outcome?

Do some research. Find out not only what past students are saying about the program, but see what is happening in their businesses now. When you’re finished with the mastermind and you are committed to putting in the work, will you be able to do X, Y & Z?

9. Do you get to talk to the coach before committing?

I am a firm believer that if you are paying thousands of dollars for any sort of education, you should have an opportunity to talk to the coach and ask questions. I invest a lot of time into making sure my students are the right fit, and that I am the right fit for them.

10. Will a coach really help you?

This question is for you, and perhaps the most important one to consider when considering a mastermind. I want you to ask yourself these questions. 

    • Am I coachable? 
    • Am I able to put my pride aside, let my defenses down, and receive feedback?
    • Am I open to changing my mindset?
    • Am I open to stepping outside of my comfort zone? 
    • Am I ready to do the work? 

If you hesitated when answering any of those questions, I would challenge you to consider the possibility that you may not be quite ready. A mastermind is a lot of work. I am a coach, and as your coach, I will be your biggest cheerleader. However, I will also challenge you. I will evaluate your business. I will ask you to step outside of your comfort zone. And I will tell you hard things. 

The best programs will ensure you can walk away with actionable steps to make radical changes to your business, to better and more fully serve your clients, and be intentional in your client experience. 

Your business doesn’t have to struggle in uncertain times like this. Invest in a coach who can set you up for success no matter what the future holds.

If you’re ready to be coached and put in the work, I guarantee you – growth is in your future.


If you’re a photographer with a service-driven heart, I would love to invite you to join the free Coaching Collective Facebook Group



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