If there are two people that know just how precious and fleeting the newborn phase is, it’s this Mom and Dad. They have just welcomed their fifth baby and not only that but their fifth baby girl! Having her and her big sisters in the studio for a classic newborn session was truly such an […]

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From watching your bump grow to your baby turn one, I cannot tell you how important it is to document these fleeting seasons. I don’t continue sharing this message because I am a Tampa baby and family photographer, but because I am a mom too. I am currently pregnant with my third and with each […]

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From the minute people find out your pregnant, they start telling you alllll the things. Some helpful, some not as much, and some are just bittersweet truths. Baby’s don’t keep. Time flies. Soak up every moment. And one day, you’ll even miss the middle of the night feedings and diaper changes. It’s all true. Your […]



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