My Breastfeeding Journey: What I Wish I Knew Before I Had My First Baby

When I had my first baby, I was a NICU nurse and lactation consultant. I felt like I was ready and more prepared than most mommas could ever be. But I quickly learned that although I knew the science, the benefits, and all of the things to look for physically, that was only a very small part of it. 

NO ONE tells you how hard this journey will be and how heavy it can be to carry SOLO. NO ONE can (or will fully) understand the struggles and emotional roller coaster it will be. NO ONE can prepare you for the INSTANT weight of responsibility you feel from that first latch. Suddenly, I was my baby’s sole provider for nutrition and growth. Certainly, there was formula and donor milk but MY goal was to exclusively provide my baby with my breast milk. At the time it seemed like it would be “natural” and come easy to me. Instead, I found myself (a certified lactation consultant) on Google troubleshooting my breasts and trying to figure out if I was doing everything right. Doubting everything!

BUT, you don’t have to do it alone, and honestly, it’s the side to breastfeeding that I think we need to be talking about more. 

Key To a Successful Breastfeeding Journey

I truly believe that the key to a successful breastfeeding journey is SUPPORT of your goals (whatever those are) from those around you. Support from your spouse, your family, your sitters, your nanny, your mom/MIL, your OB, your pediatrician. It’s support from strangers and cheers from fellow mommas. It’s support from our healthcare system. 

The truth is, I LOVE breastfeeding my babies, but there were a lot of really HARD days. Chances are, you will face some of those too. There will be days where you are completely touched out. There will be days where you question if you are giving your baby enough or if what you have eaten has upset their little belly. You’ll wrestle with wanting to quit, and Momma, it’s 100% okay if you decide to. 

It’s also okay to ask for help. Communicate. Allow those around you to do the things that they can do so that you have the space to do what only YOU can do. 

As a NICU nurse, I had an intimate look at struggles moms face- I saw many that didn’t hit their goals or felt the pressure (due to lack of support) to give up. And now that I am out of the NICU and still spend most of my days with babies and new moms, I continue to hear the same narrative. 

Normalize Breastfeeding

Despite huge improvements in the last decade, we still have a long way to go in America to TRULY support mothers in their journey with tools and resources to achieve their goals. Much of that comes from our healthcare system and maternity leave policies, but it also comes from us. 

It’s World Breastfeeding Week and this week we’ll see more people share their stories. Share yours, and not only this week but throughout your journey. Together, we will take steps towards normalizing breastfeeding! 

Mom breastfeeding baby during photoshoot. Photo by Bethany Bakus Photography for Brittany Elise in Tampa, Fl.

Although this journey can be really hard, it’s also SO beautiful. Some of my favorite memories with my babies are from nursing them. I’m thankful that I have photos to remember that season with each of my babies. It’s an honor to be able to make sure that other Momma’s in the Tampa area have them too. During sessions, if momma is nursing, I will often ask if I can document the moment for them. You just never know when your journey will end and although you may not think you need it now, these are such precious, tender moments you (and maybe even your baby) will want one day! 

If you want to make sure you have these moments to look back on, contact me.

Mom in beautiful tulle white dress nursing her newborn. Photo by Brittany Elise Photography.
Mom bottle feeding baby breastmilk. Photo by Brittany Elise Photography.
Mom holding her babies head in her hand while baby eats. Photo by Brittany Elise Photography.Breastfeeding photo of Mom and her baby girl in studio with Brittany Elise Photography.
Mom breastfeeding her baby in studio with Brittany Elise Photography.
Mom nursing baby outside under beautiful tree during family photoshoot with Brittany Elise Photography.Mom holding and nursing baby while big sister stands by them. Photo by Brittany Elise Photography.
Breastfeeding photo in studio in Tampa Fl. Photo by Brittany Elise Photography.
Baby girl looking at her Mom while breastfeeding. Photo by Brittany Elise Photography.
Mom holding her baby and breastfeeding during newborn session. Photo by Brittany Elise Photography.
Mom laying down breastfeeding her baby. Photo by Brittany Elise Photography.
Mom breastfeeding her daughter during sunset family in session in Tampa. Photo by Brittany Elise Photography.
Mom breastfeeding baby while he holds onto her finger. Photo by Brittany Elise Photography.

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